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book jacket
Title Space Platform [Elektronisk resurs]
Imprint Anncona Media, 2016

Descript 22718 sek
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Space Platform is a science fiction novel by Murray Leinster first published in 1953. An exciting story of a young man helping to build this first station. With scientific accuracy and imagination Murray Leinster, one of the world's top science-fiction writers, describes the building and launching of the platform. It is the first novel in the author's Joe Kenmore series. Here is a fast-paced story of sabotage and murder directed against a project more secret and valuable than the atom bomb! Reaching for the Stars.... Ever since ancient man first gazed in wonder at the stars, humanity has dreamed of traveling to outer space. Now scientists agree that space-flight may very soon become a reality. Space Platform tells of man’s first step into outer space ... of the difficulties and dangers of reaching for the stars in an exciting adventure. When young Joe Kenmore came to Bootstrap to install pilot gyros in the Platform he hadn’t bargained for sabotage or murder or love. But Joe learned that ruthless agents were determined to wreck the project. He found that the beautiful girl he loved, and men like The Chief, a rugged Indian steelworker, and Mike, a midget who made up for his size by brains, would have to fight with their bare hands to make man’s age old dream of space travel come true! Total Running Time (TRT): 6 hours, 21 min. Murray Leinster (1896-1975) was a pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins, an award-winning American writer of science fiction and alternate history. He wrote and published over 1,500 short stories and articles, 14 movie scripts, and hundreds of radio scripts and television plays. [Elib]
Subject E-ljudbok
Fantasy & SF
Alt Auth Nelson, Mark
ISBN/ISSN 9789177590842