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Title Policy instrument evaluation: A tool for increasing efficiency in environmental policy [Elektronisk resurs]
Imprint Nordiska ministerrådet, 2020

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What role do evaluations for environmental policies have in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden? And could evaluations be better implemented in order to create and uphold effective and efficient environmental policies? These are the two questions this study aims at answering. The study focuses on three main areas in regard to ex-ante and ex-post evaluations for environmental policies: Organisation, guidelines and specific evaluations. As a result of the analysis, a number of lessons learnt for the three investigated areas are found and a set of recommendations on how to improve the evaluation of environmental policies in the Nordic countries in the future are provided. [Elib]
Subject E-bok
Samhälle & politik
Alt Auth Bahr, Emelie Von
Mørkrid, Geir Vasseljen
Sipiläinen, Kristian
Madsen, Peter G.
ISBN/ISSN 9789289359368