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book jacket
Title Ways of Being Roman [Elektronisk resurs] / Louise Revell
Imprint Oxbow Books, 2022

Descript 144 sidor
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This book examines the question of identity in the Roman provinces of the western empire. It takes an innovative approach in looking at the wider discourses or ideologies through which an individual sense of self was learnt and expressed. This wide-ranging survey considers ethnic identity, status, gender and age. Rather than constructing a paradigm of the ‘ideal’ of any specific aspect of personal identity, it looks at some of the wider cultural ideas which were drawn upon in differentiating groups of people and the variability within this. It focusses on the daily and mundane practices of everyday life through which identities were internalized and communicated. [Elib]
Subject E-bok
ISBN/ISSN 9781785701887