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Title The Contribution of the Royal Bavarian Army to the War of 1866 [Elektronisk resurs] / Bavarian General Staff
Imprint Helion and Company, 2022

Descript 160 sidor
Note Online epub (12.62 MB)
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The Bavarian army, which fought the War of 1866, was not greatly distinguished for its performance, but a translation of the Bavarian general staff history of the war is a document, which should be available in English, since it gives an official analysis of the conflict. The narrative presents a detailed account of the mobilization of the army, and its actions against the Prussians during July 1866. Moreover, the work contains appendices, which present an order of battle, the authorized strengths of the formations, and extensive tables of strengths and casualties for all of the actions, and as such, these are valuable. Translator Stuart Sutherland’s additional explanatory notes, as well as an extensive guide to further reading added by Duncan Rogers compliment the original text. [Elib]
Subject E-bok
Språk & ordböcker
ISBN/ISSN 9781908916402