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Title Monster Green explores shapes [Elektronisk resurs] / Sarah Holmlund
Imprint Bokmonster, 2023

Series Basic concepts with monsters ; 5
Note Online epub (9.89 MB)
Online pdf med Adobe-kryptering (7.18 MB)
Offline epub med Adobe-kryptering (9.89 MB)
Do you want to teach your child about shapes? Follow along with Monster Green when he discovers different shapes all around him. Squares, circles, and rectangles are just a few of the shapes he finds. This book will:- Teach your child some of the most common shapes- Capture your child's interest with charming monster illustrations- Introduce your child to the joy of reading "Monster Green explores shapes" is the fifth book in the "Basic concepts with monsters" series. It's fun, quick and easy to read. Suitable for the youngest readers. [Elib]
Subject E-bok
0-3 år
Barn & Ungdom
Alt Auth Holmlund, Sarah
ISBN/ISSN 9789187575396