

According to "The Electronic Communications Act" we shall inform you
  • that this web site uses cookies
  • what we use these cookies for
  • how you can avoid cookies

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is saved by the web site. Cookies are used by many web sites to improve the web site functionality.

What does MALIN use cookies for?
  • to remember who you are when you are logged in to “Your Library Account”
  • to remember what records you have saved during your search
  • to remember which collection you have chosen to search

The cookie disappears from your computer when you close your browser.

How to avoid cookies?
To avoid cookies you'll need to change the security settings in your browser. You'll find instructions at your browser's producer's home page.

How does MALIN function if you disable cookies?
MALIN will identify you during the session by your IP-address. This will however not work if you are behind a firewall or if you have a dynamic IP-address. In those cases “Your Library Account” will not function properly. You will e.g have some difficulty when trying to renew loans.