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book jacket
Title PVC waste treatment in the Nordic countries
Author Fråne, Anna
Imprint Nordiska ministerrådet, 2020

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The aim of the project was to map PVC waste streams in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. The available estimates are made occasionally, mostly within the frames of different projects and are not based on any formalized official reporting system or other rigorous accounting scheme. Overall, a large part of PVC waste ends up in mixed waste fractions and is eventually treated in waste-to-energy plants. Landfilling of PVC waste is banned in two countries, but some exceptions exist. Norway is the only country that treats some PVC waste as hazardous waste. The current waste treatment situation in the four Nordic countries is driven by several factors, such as diverse origins of PVC products, some specifics of the Nordic market, rather low focus on PVC waste in policy strategies or plans, technical issues regarding incineration of PVC waste, and the lack of domestic recycling. [Elib]
Subject E-bok
Samhälle & politik
Alt Auth Miliute-Plepiene, Jurate
Almasi, Alexandra Maria
Westöö, Anna-Karin
ISBN/ISSN 9789289359702
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