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Mark   Year Entries
National Academy (New York)   2005 1
  National academy of Fine Arts (Oslo)   2
  National Agency for Education in Sweden -- See Sverige. Skolverket   1
  National Agency for Higher Education -- See Högskoleverket   1
  National Archives of Iceland   2
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (U.S.) : Advanced Medical Life Support Committ   2021 1
  National Association of Swedish Architects -- See Svenska arkitekters riksförbund   1
National Audubon Society   2000 1
  National Board for Industrial and Technical Development -- See Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverket   1
  National Board for Intercountry Adoptions -- See Statens nämnd för internationella adoptionsfrågor   1
  National Board of Fisheries -- See Fiskeristyrelsen   1
  National Board of Forensic Medicine -- See Rättsmedicinalverket   1
  National Board of Health and Welfare -- See Sverige. Socialstyrelsen   1
  National Board of Housing and Physical Planning -- See Sverige. Boverket   1
  National Board of Institutional Care -- See Statens institutionsstyrelse   1
  National Board of Public Building -- See Byggnadsstyrelsen   1
  National Central Bureau of Statistics -- See Sverige. Statistiska centralbyrån   1
National Choir of Ukraine   2004 1
National collection of fine arts   1976 1
  National Collection of Fine Arts (Washington)   4
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States   2006 1
  National Council for Crime Prevention -- See Brottsförebyggande rådet   1
  National Council for Cultural Affairs -- See Statens kulturråd   1
  National Council for Suicide Prevention -- See Nationella rådet för självmordsprevention   1
  National Energy Administration -- See Statens energiverk   1
National-Galerie (Berlin)   1976 1
National Galleries of Scotland. Trustees   1993 1
National Gallery and Alexander Soutzos Musuem (Athen)   1997 1
National Gallery (Beijing)   1995 1
  National Gallery (Great Britain)   3
  National Gallery (London)   4
  National Gallery of Art   4
  National Gallery of Art (Förenta staterna)   4
  National Gallery of Art (U.S.)   6
National Gallery of Art (U.S.)   2013 1
National Gallery of Art (USA)   2006 1
  National Gallery of Art (Washington)   11
  National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)   2
National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC)   1995 1
  National Gallery of Canada   2
  National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa)   2
National Gallery of Iceland   1993 1
  National Gallery (Storbritannien)   2
  National Geographic Society   5
  National Geographic Society (U.S.)   11
National Geographic Traveler (Firm)   2016 1
National Guitar Workshop   2001 1
  National Housing Board -- See Bostadsstyrelsen   1
  National institute of economic research -- See Konjunkturinstitutet   1
  National Institute of Public Health -- See Folkhälsoinstitutet   1
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